Sunday, 29 April 2012

Now into the stages of having piles of kit strewn around the house.  Test packing tomorrow, then trying to decide what to leave behind because it won't all fit in the boats.  Ferry to Ireland on Saturday morning - hopefully this wet and windy weather will have settled down a bit by then.

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Just under three weeks to go now, and we are moving into the world of geeks - you can now follow us on Twitter

Sunday, 8 April 2012

Just under four weeks to go now, and we're getting quite excited/nervous.  We are very lucky to have had the support of our club, Swaledale Outdoor Club, who have helped us with the costs of our maps from their expedition fund.  Hopefully, at some point in our trip, we'll be joined by some of the club paddlers for a few days.

The three of us all paddle North Shore boats, Claire and Pete have Polars and Wendy drives an Atlantic.  Pete will be getting some guidance from Mike Nelson at North Shore on how to make a decent repair.  Hopefully, we'll not need to repair any holes, but...........!