We are all using different combinations of paddling cags, trousers, footwear, spraydecks and buoyancy aids, and thought it might be interesting if we gave a run-down on the various bits of kit and how they perform and stand up to the wear. None of us are lucky enough to be sponsored paddlers, so all our kit has been chosen and purchased by us over the years. Very little has been purchased new for this trip.
A couple of issues in the first two weeks -
Wendy and Pete both use Reed neoprene spraydecks. Wendy's has chafed where her cag rubs at the sides - mended with aquaseal and a bit of Chillcheater Aquatherm. The seam sealing has also failed on the waist tube and the joint with the deck - again both patched with aqauseal, but a bit disappointing as the deck is only a couple of months old.
Pete has a pair of Level Six Reign paddling pants, new and unused before the trip. By day 13, the seam on the inside of the legs at the knee has started to wear through at the edge of the taping. KNW, from whom they were bought offered to exchange and do a next day delivery for us, but it was not convenient to follow through on that. The pants were specifically chosen as they appeared to be very robust, so really disappointed with this failure - looks like duct tape will be extensively used.
Good to know, thanks