Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Tuesday 29th May 2012

Many thanks to Jim and Jamie for their brilliant hospitality last night, especially the sourdough bread from Deva's in Ballinspittle and the drum rendition from Jamie. Good luck Jim, with the swimming and adventure racing. Good luck Jamie with the band!
Today Claire and Wendy did "ladies wot lunch" by sea-kayak, leaving Pete to recover, alone!
Hoping for a good day paddling tomorrow.


  1. Yeah, welcome back to the blog - I missed it x x x

  2. Hey guys, hope all is well. I was speaking with Noel so hopefully we will tie up with you and do a leg with ye on one of the days over the long weekend, weather is set to improve towards the weekend so here's hoping!!! Pete I think Noel will give you a call closer to the time.

    Talk later guys,
